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An innovative model of social inclusion of the homeless, empowering experts and strengthening the capacity of the Croatian network for the homeless

2nd year

A three-year program would empower professionals who work with the homeless and provide psychosocial assistance to those who are homeless or at-risk-of homelessness and to promote better active housing policies in Croatia.

An innovative model of social inclusion of the homeless, empowering experts and strengthening the capacity of the Croatian network for the homeless

CERANEO – Centre for development of non-profit organizations

Croatian network for the homeless

September 1st, 2021 – August 31st, 2022

Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy

A three-year program would empower professionals who work with the homeless and provide psychosocial assistance to those who are homeless or at-risk-of homelessness and to promote better active housing policies in Croatia.

Through psychosocial support workshops and job-finding support workshops, the Invitation’s overall goal to “Contribute to the increase of social inclusion and integration into community life of vulnerable or socially sensitive groups, i.e. to reduce and prevent social exclusion” will be accomplished. Through psychosocial support workshops, homeless will have the opportunity to work on their strengths, traits, and qualities that they can use for community integration, acceptance of their circumstances, and realistic possibilities, while creating a personal plan for the realization of their goals and priorities, as well as on their general behavior.

By educating the public, professionals, and decision-makers about the needs of those who live in extreme poverty, we will also have an impact on the increase in social inclusion and the prevention of homelessness. Additionally, we will advocate for the rights of those who are homeless, excluded from housing, and other socially sensitive groups by creating a video that we will disseminate at the national level.

  • Project team meetings
  • Creation and printing advertising materials
  • Opening and closing conference
  • Preparation, organization and implementation of psychosocial support workshops for the homeless
  • Preparation, organization and implementation of workshops for job search
  • “How to Get EU Funds?” – support workshop for project application for financing from EU Funds” preparation and organizing for a two-day support workshop for CNH members
  • Making and presenting a brief documentary report with a focus on those who live in unsafe and inadequate conditions
  • Preparation, organization and implementation of workshops on support supervision for experts working in shelters and overnight shelters
  • Attendance at annual FEANTSA conference
  • Strengthening the capacity of the Croatian network for the homeless through student participation in accordance with service learning model
  • Organization of 15th and 16th National Homeless Meeting

Sara Akmačić, mag. soc. pol

Ana Zadelj Kovač, mag. soc. pol

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