As part of the “Marie Curie Innovative Training Network” (MSCA-ITA) project “RE-DWELL – Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe”, early stage researcher (doctoral student) Alejandro Fernández Pérez is coming for a study stay at the Department of Social Policy, in partnership with CERANEO, from the 17th of January until the 18th of March 2022.
The purpose of the stay is the implementation of the research “Assessment of the effects of the housing loan program on the affordability of housing in Croatia”, which will be carried out by Alejandro Fernández Pérez in cooperation with co-supervisor Gojko Bežovan, Ph.D. and Josip Pandžić, Ph.D.
Alejandro Fernández Pérez is an early stage researcher at the Delft University of Technology – School for Architecture and the Built Environment, The Netherlands, where he is conducting his doctoral research “Comparative analysis of affordable and sustainable housing policies”. He is particularly interested in economic and social issues related to housing affordability, as well as sustainable housing in the form of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ecological transition in housing. He obtained a double undergraduate degree in “History and Political Science” from Rey Juan Carlos University – Madrid, and a graduate degree in “City Design and Social Sciences” from the London School of Economics (LSE). He is currently studying for an extraordinary graduate degree in economics at Birkbeck, University of London.
More about the project at the link: